Monday, June 30, 2014

黃漢偉: 公芭养正小学 - 州政府已拨地,施壓中央政府出錢


YB Wong Hon Wai attended community dinner at south west district to support relocation of yan cheng school at Teluk kumbar. The state gov has allocated land and we have to pressure the federal gov to allocate budget to build the new school



阿依淡州议員黄汉伟文告 30-6-2014






黄汉伟認为联邦政府必须拟定未来50年的国家机场蓝图並与各州州政府讨论,定下策略发展各地机场。黃汉伟举例新加坡政府已在2013年公佈其国家机场蓝图並在樟宜机場定下策划建第四个机场跑道並在2030年把其空軍基地从新加坡中部移到樟宜. 上述长远的藍图规画对于各区域发展是有必要的。

Sunday, June 29, 2014

榴莲 • 脚車 • 艺术 - 我们的浮罗山背


榴莲 • 脚車 • 艺术 - 我们的浮罗山背 








Saturday, June 28, 2014






黄汉伟: 图恐嚇雷尔家人, 极端份仔挑起敏感情绪

梹州民主行动黨武吉牛汝莪国会联委会主席兼阿依淡州议员黄汉伟文告 28-6-2014




嘆世界(第6篇). 小學五年級愛上足球 黃漢偉騰時間觀賽

As reported in China Press

嘆世界(第6篇). 小學五年級愛上足球 黃漢偉騰時間觀賽

  • 黃漢偉(右5)與議員球隊隊員在賽前士氣高昂。 

     教导儿子踢球。为世界杯热身. Coaching my boys on the real game. Warm up for World Cup.











Now everyone can own a home

As reported in Malay Mail

Now everyone can own a home

Thursday, June 26, 2014 - 14:12
SO happy days are now back for those who have yet to own a house in the state. It is a fabulous affordable housing scheme not seen nor introduced in Penang over the last 30 years.

The project comes with Malaysia’s first ever Shared Ownership Scheme (SOS), a historic joint purchase initiative between the state government and poor purchasers basically for those who just missed out on getting a 90 per cent or 100 per cent bank loan — with the state government offering a 30 per cent interest-free loan.

Then there is also the “rent-buy” scheme for the poor who are unqualified to obtain any bank loans or where banks refuse to lend any amount of loans to them.

In short, it is a “everyone can own a house now” piece of news.

Granted, it is only for Penangites only, irregardless of race or religion. It all comes under the grand affordable housing scheme which kicked off following last Sunday’s launch of a project to build 520 low-and-medium-cost units in Bandar Cassia.

Under this affordable housing scheme, the Penang Development Corporation (PDC) will build 19,973 low-cost houses, low-medium cost houses and affordable homes in all five districts in the state.
It is part of the RM500 million fund allocated under the affordable housing scheme.
In this aspect, the state government ought to be lauded for this is the largest amount ever set aside by any state government in Malaysian history to build affordable and public housing.
The previous state government had stopped building such low-cost flats as they did in the last 30 years in Rifle Range.

The sole reason for such large scale implementation of housing for the people is because it has been far too long that they have the chance or opportunity to put a roof over the head at an affordable cost.

“We took over the state government six years ago and we are now going all out to make sure that everyone get to own their own homes.

“Yes, the prices of property has escalated over the years and we do hear people talking about how expensive it is not to own one,” said Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s political secretary Wong Hon Wai.

Wong also cited how after a 30-year hiatus that put the prices of houses far beyond the reach of the average salaried worker.

Rightly, the state government, under the previous Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition’s leadership, had stopped housing projects altogether in the 1980s, whether on its own or through its development arm, the Penang Development Corporation (PDC).

Among the public housing projects undertaken by the state in the 1970s and 1980s were the flats in Rifle Range, Taman Free School and Kampung Melayu.

“We are now turning the trend around by kick-starting this affordable housing project that is a state government initiative introduced two years ago,” Wong said.

He added that according to the state treasury, the state government had not disbursed any funds for housing since 2000.

Whether the then state government was in a state of complacency or not, no one knows.

But as Wong aptly points out, the BN state government had built about 15,000 units of residential properties in 42 projects back in the 1970s and 1980s “but after that, there were no more state housing projects.”

“Penang state government wants to achieve housing democracy that allows every working family to own their own homes.

“Ensuring that public housing (low cost and low medium cost houses) is owned by the poor and genuine first time buyers is our priority,” he said adding that rising house prices and the lack of affordable housing had been one of the main issues faced by Penangites as property prices continue to climb due to scarcity of land then.

Yes, we do not hear PDC building doublestorey cluster homes anymore as they did on a small plot of land off Pengkalan Weld, or at mainland Seberang Jaya when the satellite town was being moulded in the late 70s — all at RM13,500.

The single-storey terrace houses in the satellite town of Bayan Baru were also being sold at mere RM26,000 during the late Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu’s helm.

Today, Batu Kawan is among the 10 locations for the low-cost and affordable housing projects mapped out by the state.

And after almost three decades, the people can now apply for such houses at near-the-town locations such as Jalan S.P. Chelliah, Jelutong, Pintasan Cecil and Teluk Kumbar on the island whilst those from the mainland will be offered houses at Kampung Jawa, Mak Mandin, Ampang Jajar, Bukit Mertajam and Juru.

Having said, there is a set of new rules which future purchasers of the affordable homes need to follow.
Under the new rules, those who bought the affordable homes below RM400,000 on the island and RM250,000 on the mainland will be barred from re-selling them in the first five years.

Also, owners of public housing for lowcost units and low medium-cost units who bought for RM72,500 or less cannot sell their units within 10 years.

Understandably, these new rules are necessary as the state government is concerned that first-time buyers may not be given the first opportunity to buy them and reduce exploitation for speculative gain.
So, Penangites, the call now is “buy”.

LEE KENG FATT is Malay Mail’s Penang bureau chief. He can be reached at

Monday, June 23, 2014



黄汉伟 (阿依淡州议員)


我2008年放下了執业律师的身段,轉投公众事务至今已六年。这六年,我依然像以往般阅读每周出版的Malayan Law Journal 马來亚法律期刊。但我的阅读重奌是公众利益的案例。身为立法议员,我自觉是我的责任与时俱进,了解最新联邦法院,上诉庭及高庭的判决及马來西亚联合邦国会及各州的立法进程。




提出特权的保护(qualified privilege). 但此特权在诽谤案中需法庭的確認。


第二案案件是已故张清清一案。此案涉及死者的宗教身份以及延伸到民事法庭及回教法庭的权限。张清清的身份证並没有写上穆斯林为其宗教信仰。坐落于Batu Gantung 的梹州回教法庭判决由于改教卡(convert card)的資料及回教局的改教資料有所出入,所以其申请改信回教程序一未完成,所以判决歸还遺体于家屬。







我引述1978年沙巴国阵国会议员麦格丁(Mark Koding)因发表煽动性言论而被判罪一案,加以说明议员确实无绝对的免控权。他说,麦格丁当年曾在国会内呼吁关闭华淡小,虽然他是在国会议会庁内发言,但依然在1948年煽动法令下,被吉隆坡高庭宣判罪成,须以2000令吉保证金守行2年。




如议员在议会庁内发表觸及煽动法的言论,议长亦有权谕令上述言论在议会记录里删除 (expunge from the Hansard).

我那天在议会庁听到没有品味的言论(bad taste)而非听到有觸及煽动法的言论。总檢察长必须分清楚此事。

Friday, June 20, 2014



As reported in Sinchew















Wong Hon Wai: Watersport rules murky: No proper guidelines for parasail operators



As reported in The Star


Watersport rules murky

AN assemblyman has called for the strict regulation of the Personal Watercrafts (Penang) Enactment 1999 with regards to parasailing to deter operators of the watersport from operating illegally.

Air Itam assemblyman Wong Hon Wai said such a move was necessary to prevent the occurrence of more untoward incidents caused by parasailing.

He said in Penang, the enactment detailed how private watercraft such as water scooters and water sports

equipment required licence issued by the Penang Municipal Council.

“However, as pointed out by (Penang Local Government, Traffic Management and Flood Mitigation Committee chairman) Chow (Kon Yeow), parasailing — a sport in which a parasail is usually attached to a speedboat — lies in a grey area between different regulatory bodies.

“There is no provision to issue licence for parasailing by the council, therefore there are also no proper guidelines as to how parasail operators should operate the sport, which makes it very dangerous.

“It’s important that the enactment is regulated strictly, so that operators will be more responsible in their actions,” he told a press conference at his service centre in Air Itam yesterday.

Wong said Sections 24 and 25 of the enactment empowered any officer authorised by the Penang government, such as those from the council and any police officer, to make arrests and seize any personal watercraft from those who operate watersports illegally.

At the press conference, Wong highlighted the case of an 11-year-old boy, who wished to be known only as Odell, who was injured due to a parasailing mishap on June 11.

Odell’s father, who wished to be known only as Choo, claimed that Odell was playing by the beach behind a hotel in Tanjung Bungah when the rope of a parachute, which was pulled by a boat, snagged on his neck as the parachutist was about to land.

Choo, who was a guest at the hotel, claimed that Odell suffered injuries to his neck, left shoulder and right arm due to the incident which occurred at around 6.30pm.

He said his son was taken to a nearby clinic in Tanjung Bungah by the hotel van.
Choo, a broker who lives in Air Itam, said he lodged a police report the next day before taking Odell to the Penang Hospital.

Wong said he was surprised that there was still ambiguity in the legislation enactment, although it had been 15 years since the state legislative assembly passed a regulation involving all personal watercraft activity along the coast of Penang.

“There is no point having this legislation if we do not enforce it,” he said.

Wong added that the enactment’s definition of “personal watercraft” which includes water scooter, aquabike, propcraft and hovercraft was “very comprehensive”.

“We have to view this seriously as it endangers public safety and gives a bad reputation to the state’s tourism industry.

“There has been a string of unfortunate incidents of parasailing over the years. I believe there are more incidents which went unreported and had escaped the public’s attention,” he said, adding that he would be writing to the state legal adviser on the matter.

Monday, June 16, 2014


由大马知名导演苏忠兴及剧场名导王涵奕联合执导,Real Films与Noise Performance House呈现的福建舞台剧《海墘新路》,为本年度乔治市艺术节(George Town Festival)重点演出之一。

今日下午举行记者发布会,全体演员悉数登场,包括男主角李洺中、新加坡著名女演员梁瑞玲、活跃本地英文娱乐界的伍家丽、戏炬奖剧后张骁晶、陈爱碹、何小芬 等人,而YB黄汉伟、艺术节总监祖西迪、槟城环球旅游(Penang Global Tourism)总经理黄玉玲等人也赏脸出席。


Trip to Teluk Intan by-election 31-5-2014

At Ladang Selaba, Teluk intan. 5pm. Peti undi tutup. — 和 Gooi Seong KinTeluk Intan, Perak
17 年前我们來安顺補选。17年后重來安顺補选,17 years ago,we came to Teluk Intan for the by-election. We are here again now for the Teluk intan by-election. — 与 Gooi Seong KinTeng Guan Koid 在一起。

DAP Member of Parliaments and State Assemblypersons retreat at Hotel Silka, Cheras on 14-15, June 2014

MP and State Assembly representatives from all over the country at the DAP National Leadership Retreat in KL.


黄汉伟: 黄金惠民计划回馈人民

As reported in Buletin Mutiara






垄尾区州议员杨顺兴表示,槟州惠民计划是首次由州政府通过制度化协助人民,这项惠民计划也是让其他州政府所学习的榜样。这些惠民计划可说是州政府自2008 年开始所推行的政策,顾名思义黄金惠民计划(Program Emas)是把人民利益视为最基本考量,并没有忽略人民,而是把人民都当成“黄金”般珍贵。



黃漢偉:《檳州宗祠家廟簡史》 出版文史記錄 讓後代了解先賢貢獻


2014年06月10日 16:26 來源:中國僑網 

  中國僑網6月10日電 據馬來西亞《星洲日報》報道,馬來西亞檳州各姓氏宗祠聯委會8日舉行理事會選舉,葉謀通與張威如當選新任主席與署理主席。


  林宗逸:留給後人尋根 已收集157座總墳




  黃漢偉:出版文史記錄 讓後代了解先賢貢獻





Handling the case of late Teoh Cheng Cheng

我们跑了高庭,回教法庭,太平间及火葬場。今午遗体火化了,功德圆满。we went to High Court, Syariah court, mortuary and crematorium to get things done. The deceased can rest in peace.


Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng's political secretary Wong Hon Wai (left), Teoh Cheng Cheng's mother Tan Ma Suan and her team of counsel comprising Ramkarpal Singh Deo and S. Raveentharan at the Penang High Court this morning. — TRP pic by Zalinah Noordin